Agenda at a Glance

“Preparing Professionals to Lead the Next Generation of Migrant Students into College”
8:00am- 3:00pm

8:00 am- 8:45 am Conference Registration
Campus Resource Fair

University Union Ballroom I, 1st floor
8:45 am- 9:00 am Welcome
Viridiana Diaz
CAMP Director
9:00 am- 10:00 am Latino Males WANTED in Higher Education 
Dr. Julie Figueroa
Ethnic Studies Professor
Keynote Speaker
10:00 am-11:00 am Addressing the Academic Barriers of Migrant Students
Faculty Panel
11:00 am- 12:00 pm Sacramento State and CAMP Update
Adriana Cervantes del Toro
Outreach Counselor
12:00 am-1:00 pm Lunch
UU Redwood Room, 1st floor
1:15 pm- 2:15 pm  Breakout Sessions (4 Workshops)

Workshop I

Si Se Puede! Motivating Students to Dream about College
Rafael Ordaz
CAMP Career Advisor

Workshop II

Teaching Students the Financial Aid Trail
Ulises Ochoa
CAMP Follow Up Advisor

Workshop III

Mano a Mano: The Importance of Mentoring Migrant Students

Workshop IV

How to Socially Prepare Migrant Students for College
Rosana Chavez
CAMP Retention Counselor

2:15 pm- 3:00 pm Closing Remarks

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