Sacramento State Logo American Indian Summer Institute
Program Duration: June 26 - June 30, 2016
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Participant Rules for the American Indian Summer Institute:
  • Attend and be on time for all American Indian Summer Institute functions and activities.
  • Agree to cooperate with all adult supervisors, residence hall staff, and other student attendees.
  • Understand that no drugs, alcohol, or tobacco are permitted at any time during the program. Any students taking prescriptions need to notify a staff member.
  • Cell phones are not to be used during the program time in-between workshops, during program activities, or during any other group time. Cell phones should be left in backpacks or in your room. Parents will have coordinator’s phone numbers if they need to reach the students. If you really need to reach a family member please clear it with a member of the staff.
  • iPods or any other electronic devices are to be left in backpacks or in your dorm room. Like cell phones, they should not be used during program activities.
  • You are not to have any visitors during the program.
  • Student behavior must be conducted in a respectful and honorable manor. Students will always keep their hands to themselves and not use any disrespectful language.
  • Intentional destruction of property will result in an expulsion from the program
Failure to follow any of these rules may result in a dismissal from the program. Parents/guardians are responsible for picking up any student that breaks these guidelines and is dismissed from the AISI.

Student’s should not bring any valuables as we are not liable for anything lost or stolen- jewelry, electronics, etc.

If you have any questions or concern please contact
Ricardo Torres Jaime Ward
(916) 278-6183 (916) 278-6183